
Common Reasons Why Babies Cry

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Crying is the only alarm that babies are equipped with to exhibit their displeasure or discomfort of any sorts. It is their way of informing the mother that she needs to pay attention and respond at the earliest.

10 Reasons Why Babies Cry At Night

Sometimes these crying spells could be just for minor little issues which the baby cannot handle himself. However, many times it can be the depiction of some major underlying cause that needs immediate concern of the parents.

Soothing the baby during and after a spell could be relatively easy but, it is essential to decipher the main reasons, which lead to the initial outbreak of the tantrum. There is no alternative to this because it’s the only way a baby communicates with the parents until s/he has learned to talk or explain her/himself.

Reasons Why Babies Wake Up At Night

So you can get onto your mundane check-list diaper checking, checking for the stiffness of the stomach, checking for the temperature etc. However, it is essential that you formulate an initial idea of the reasons why babies cry so that you do not end up over-feeding or doing something that would increase the child’s discomfort level.

Mostly, mothers and elderly ladies of the family can easily point out the underlying reason why the babies cry. However, for the new-be mom’s below given is a check-list of seven most common reasons of why babies cry, to help you deal with it effectively.


Hunger is the prime reason, why babies cry. A child for initial months is on watery feed of milk and other liquids. After a few hours, s/he can easily feel hungry. So, if you feel that it has been a few hour since your baby last fed, then it is time to get on it.


Dirty diaper could be the next best reason why babies cry. A child often urinates or cleans his bladder after feeding, which causes him discomfort and rashes if unchecked. It is essential to keep a tab on the diaper of the child in order to keep him fresh and dry.


Why babies cry? The answer to this question can sometimes be answered with a short trip to the doctor. You might not catch the symptoms but, he might be suffering from a blockage in the nose or his first bout of seasonal flu.


If the baby wants to be picked up by the adults, he would express his desire through the means of crying. Generally this type of crying is accompanied by hands raised in the air towards you to explain you better. The longing to be carried by their mother or family member can be another reason why babies cry.


Babies often suffer from indigestion such as colic pain or gas. Check for stiffness in her/his stomach that could be the underlying cause. In case you feel that stomach pain is the cause, give her/him a small dosage of ‘Colicaid” medication after consultation with the doctor. Sour stomach is another reason why babies cry, even when you are nursing them or rocking them in your arms.


It might be the sleeping or nap time that could be behind this sudden outbreak of crying. A child is unable to express if he is tired or sleepy and hence it could be another reason as to why they cry.


Parents often increase or decrease (most often increase) the temperature around the child in order to make her/him comfortable. Do only what is necessary and don’t over extend it to make the child uncomfortable. If they aren’t comfortable it could be the reason why the baby is crying.

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