
BVA Patnaik inaugurates ‘ICAMME-2014’ at NITK

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Mangalore, Mar 28: BVA Patnaik, Technology Director of GTRE Bangalore inaugurated a conference titled ‘ICAMME-2014’ at Silver Jubilee Auditorium of NITK Surathkal on March 27, Friday.

Speaking on the occasion, he siad that the major focus of the ICAMME-2014 is to integrate materials and manufacturing innovation leading to accelerated discovery, development, and application of materials, materials systems, and materials processes for practical use in manufacturing.

He also said that this conference will bring together leading academicians, scientists, researchers, scholars and people from industry in the domain of interest from around the world.

Prof. Amod A Ogale, Director of Center for Advanced Engineering Fibers and  Films, Clemson University, USA was the guest of honour.

Prof. Suman David, Director Incharge of NITK Surathkal presided over the function.

Prof. Prasad Kirshna, Head,  Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathakal briefed about this conference.

Prof. S. Narendranath is Organizing secretary welcomed all the delegates of the conference.

Around 500 delegates from around the globe participated in the conference.

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