
Mangalore Girl Chosen for Skating tournament in Singapore

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Mangalore, April 8: Seeliya Simith,  who is studying in City’s Lourdes Central School in tenth standard, was chosen as a participant in the international speed skating tournament. It has been reported that the tournament is being organized under the aegis of World Development Trophy in Singapore from April 8 to April 14.

She is the daughter of P A Muhammed from Katipalla and Asma from Pandeshwar in the city, is member of Mangalore Roller Skating Association and has been trained by Mahesh Kumar as well as International trainers, Avadhut and Srikant Mysore.

Seeliya was selected only on the basis of her excellent past records. She is the recipients of many awards like silver medal in 2011, gold medal in 2012 and three gold medals in 2013 at the ice skating competitions held at Shimla so far. She has also emerged as the fastest ice skater, after winning the championship this year.

She was placed 17th at the Asian Short Track Speed Skating held at Beijing.China, recently and Indian Ice Skating Association has selected her for the Singapore tournament taking in to accounts all her past records.


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