
Crackers Shop Destroyed by Fire at Kadri

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Mangalore, Nov 2: A crackers shop located near Kadri Rotary office was completely destroyed in a fire on Saturday November 1.

The shop is owned by Rajesh. It is said that Rajesh had just set up the shop the same day to sell crackers for Diwali.


It is learnt that the fire sparked off after an unidentified person threw some object into the shop. It is suspected that it was a deliberate act. Within minutes the shop went up in flames leaving nothing. Though a man was sleeping inside, he managed to rush out and escape.


A person in a nearby cracker shop ran to safety as soon as he heard the noise, it is learnt. No injuries were reported, however, an Activa scooter, furniture and generator were gutted.

The Pandeshwar and Kadri fire service rushed to the spot and doused the fire.

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