
Villagers Protest against Land Acquisition for HPCL Pipelines

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 Beltangady, Oct. 24: The project of the government spoiling the agricultural land and also the life of farmers. Without giving any information to the farmers the government has written as industrial development area in the place of agricultural land in RTC. The farmers were afraid of the govt’s rule ad they are demanding for the return the amendment soon. If not we will stage violent fight warn the district executive of Karnataka Rajya Raita Sangha Hasiru Sene Ravikiran Punacha.

Condemning the establishment of pipelines for the flow of petroleum products from Mangalore to Bangalore passing through various cities, the people of those areas staged a protest on Tuesday, October 23, in front of the Taluk Panchayat office.

In order to establish pipelines for the flow of petrol between Mangalore and Bangalore from HPCL, people from 12 villages were issued notice pertaining to the acquisition of their land. Opposing this, the people of these villages staged a protest.

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