
Action against encroachers by Bunder police in Central market

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Mangalore, July 01: Once the Sunday comes means whole area in the central market and surrounding area becomes an open place for petty traders to sell their products such as vegetables, household items. This will in turn become haphazard to pedestrians movement and vehicles movements. This is due to encroachment of the space in the area by the traders.


In view of regularizing the situation on July 01, Monday Bunder police have swung into action by clearing the thoroughfare and thereby making enough places for the public movement. In this regard public have complained to the police many times and on the basis of their complaints, police have decided to clear the way for public and vehicle movements.





Once the Sunday arrives means without anybody’s guess traders from different parts flocks to city with their of salable items in bundles and encroach the available spaces in the area, thereby causing inconvenience to public and vehicles movement by blocking the road.






As the items are  available at cheaper rate on Sunday as compared to rest of the days, public will also so excited to buy and invade around the trader bargaining for the price. With this, the place will become as a place of weekly fair.

That is why Bunder police on July 01, Monday arrived to the central market area and asked the traders to move aside and make the way for public.

Photo by: Sathish Kapikad

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