
Rati Agnihotri to play Akshay’s mom in ‘Singh Is Bling’

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I always admire couples who declare their love and don’t fear judgement or speculations of any sort. One such jodi was Kushal Tandon and Gauahar Khan, who fell in love during the seventh season of Bigg Boss and openly confessed their love for one another on the show. I believed theirs was a relationship that would last long but unfortunately, another one bit the dust. It soon head towards splitsville for the two love birds and the fight was a bitter one, as made obvious by Kushal Tandon.

The actor has put forth a tweet which clearly hints at there existing some bad blood between him and Gauahar.

“Last warning stop tagging me with that #gk #past plZ grow up n move plZ plz ne one I c on my time line tagging me with her wil be blocked,” read his recent tweet.

The model lashed out on Twitter, warning those who continue to tag him with his ex- flame in pictures. This isn’t the first time where Kushal has lost his cool. He had made such a plea before, requesting fans and peers to stop tagging him with Gauahar. Well I get why Kushal would be irked by this practice but why not put it forth in a humbler way? I can’t get over the fact that the hunk used “that” Gauhar Khan in his Tweet! “stop tagging me with that #gk” he wrote. Really Kushal? Now you are simply coming across as this sour lad who lacks the ability to handle tricky situations in a gracious manner.

Why such hatred Mr Tandon? Get over it or if something irks you, put it across in a more grounded manner! It’s much more mature than putting forth tweets with words “warning” or “that” Gauahar Khan. Well I guess he assumed that this tweet of his would receive flak which is why he has deleted it from his Twitter account!

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