
BBMP office fights terror

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BENGALURU: People who happened to be at the BBMP council building around 12.20 noon were caught unawares when they heard deafening noises of two rounds of ‘bomb blasts’.

Later they were shocked to see two security guards being held hostage by two masked armed to their teeth.

However soon they realised it was not for real after three counter terror squads armed with weapons landed and surrounded the council building.

Yes it was not a terror attack, but a counter terror mock drill by the Internal Security Division (ISD) commandos to check the response time from the BBMP staff on such emergencies and to create awareness among the staff to respond quickly to such ‘terror attacks’.

As many as 20 commandos from the Counter Terror squads arrived at the council building and took control of it. They carried out the operation in three batches.

Two area teams took control of the entire building to ensure that there were no risks and one assault squad with Bomb Detective and Defuse squad gained entry to rescue the hostage.

After an operation lasting about 20 minutes, the squad piggy-backed two bodies of ‘terrorists’ and two guards were rescued. However, the squad members were said to be unhappy with the response they got from the staff.

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