
Youths get cheated, Police refuse to take the complain

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Mangalore: A person promising Government jobs to a party of more than 20 youths has escaped with about a lakh or more rupees. The youths had to approach Police Commissioner when the police inspector refused to take the complaint.

A Keralite presently residing in Mangalore had found some place at Bikkarnakatte in Mangalore.  He had put up his name and address as Santhosh, forming an Academy Of Career Guidance Corporation Institute.  This person is the one duping the youths.

Some people had come from outside Mangalore to find jobs. This person going by the name of Santhosh extracted about Rs.50,000, promising Government jobs to a group of 20 or so. It is said that he had put advertisements to attract youths. Promising jobs in the army, airforce, and work at airport and so on he got them to bring him their educational marks lists and certificates.

In case they did not have school certificates or had less marks this man would convince them to accept false certificates.  He took money for this as well. He guaranteed them jobs and made them part with their hard earned money. However there was no job.  Disappointed they asked him for their money to be returned.  But he had closed down his enterprise and was absconding.

The youths taking honesty from Santhosh had deposited money in his account. Some had made carbon copies of the cheques. The police at first refused to take up their case. Then under pressure they acted, but did not say anything about returning the party’s money.

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