
Water problem: trouble to public and Buildings under construction

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Mangalore, April 24: Mangalore City Corporation has decided to revoke water supply license to buildings undergoing construction. This is done to stop drinking water shortage to domestic consumers.

The Thumbe vented dam is presently having  12 feet of water and if water goes below this level the MCC has decided to cancel the licenses.  In the present scenario there might not be a water problem feels the MCC. As a precautionary measure Shamboor village in Bantawala which has taken on AMR electricity undertaking, Gundya’s Disha electrical undertaking, and Neerakatte Sagar electricity undertaking have all been asked to stop electricity production and keep the present level of water as it is thus stocking up reserve water. So the plan is in case Thumbe Vented dam experiences a drop in water level the water from the dams which have been made to stop electricity production will be made to give the water.

AMR power plant has 5 million cubic meters.  The dam on the Gundya’s Disha power plant has 3 million cubic meters and the dam on the Neerakatte sagar power plant has 1.5 cubic meter water in stock. Thumbe dam currently has 4.54 million cubic metres of water.  The water stock is enough for 80-90 days.  After this period the water mentioned in the 3 dams will have to supplement the water in the Thumbe dam.

Water Supply:

Mangalore city each day requires 140 MLD, which is being handled.  In the beginning the Water Dept. was supplying 80 MLD which has been passed on to the MCC.  Taking a step further KUIDFC which has taken financial assistance from Asian Development Bank for water supply improvement, was able to supplement an additional 80 MLD of water. On the anvil is a dam across Nethravathi River.

Once the new vented dam is in operation the storage capacity of the new dam will be enough to supply 120 days of water to the city.  Thus it will be possible to provide 24 hours of water supply constantly to the city.

MCC has a total of 79,000 drinking water connections which consist of 73,051 for domestic use, 4,469 for nondomestic use, 846 for commercial use and various other uses.

To ensure smooth flow of water throughout the summer MCC has stopped water supply license to buildings under construction.

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