
Udupi: Prominence on caution at the election expenditure of the candidates; immediately teams should be pro-active-special officer Ponnuraj

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Udupi; March 11: While giving directions through video-conference to all the district’s district election commissioners and sweep president CEO ,Ponnuraj, special officer of the Election  commission’s expenditure department said that in the coming Loka Sabha election, the expenditure of the candidates should be monitored thoroughly and due caution should be taken on priority basis.  

By recording the details of the daily expenses, the details of the daily expenditure should be submitted on the prescribed form to the Election Commission on daily basis. While describing the method of maintaining shadow register, he said that all the officers should perform their duties well after understanding the importance of keeping a eye on election expenditure.

In addition, in the last election, voters awareness and participation programme was successfully conducted and this year too, Action plan should be implemented more effectively, he said.

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