
Udupi, Vittal villagers to boycott polls

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Udupi: Demanding repair of road connecting Shankarapura near Pangala-Innanje railway station, the villagers of Gandhinagara have decided to boycott the forthcoming Assembly elections.

The residents said that the road has not been repair for the last 30 years. “We have appealed to the MP, MLA, Zilla Panchayat and Taluk Panchayat members to repair two kilometre stretch road from railway bridge. However, none have come forward to repair the road. The surface of the road has been chipped off and is unmotorable,” they said.

The residents have put up a banner on the entrance of Gandhinagara. At the same time, the residents have been suffering from acute shortage of water. Though there are three to four open wells in the villages, all the wells have gone dry. “Owing to shortage of water, the residents have to depend on private water suppliers to quench their thirst. However, none are responding to our woes. Hence, we have decided to boycott the election,” said residents.

In Vittal

Demanding road, drinking water and other basic facilities, the residents of Kallenchipade in Alike village have decided to boycott elections. The banner to boycott elections have been hung in front of a bhajan mandali.

“We have been deprived of road, water and electricity for the last several years. Keeping forth our demands, we will boycott elections,” they said.

There are 12 SC families residing on the Kallenchipade colony. In spite of submitting appeals to elected representatives, they have not solved out problems, said Bhajan Mandali President Madhava and Secretary Ammanna.

“We have to walk for three furlongs to fetch a pot of water during summer. Though four to five borewells have been drilled, none could fetch water. Water in an open well dug at Kanthadka has gone dry.

Even anganwadi worker is finding it difficult to supply food to the children with lack of water. Though a road was asphalted in January 2012, the surface of the road chipped off within three months. The promise of reasphaltation has remained only on paper,” they said.

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