
11th Annual Convocation of NITK: 1,486 B.Tech, M.Tech students honored with degree

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Mangalore, Nov. 17: The 11th annual convocation of National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal was held on Saturday Nov. 16. 1,486 students were got degree.


The Executive Vice President of the Graduates School of Sciences and Technology, Michigan University, Prof Satish Udupa in his convocation address said to the students to overcome the temptation of instant gratification with delayed gratification. Instant gratification is for short term only. Delayed gratification will bring wonders in your professional and personal life.

He also said the students to try to balance the bridge between haves and have not’s.


NITK Director Prof Swapan Bhattacharya briefed about the institution and said NITK, is all set to protect the intellectual properties that have been originating in the institute. The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) cell set up in the institute will formulate its policy soon and thereafter will exclusively look into patenting the ideas and new technologies of the faculty and students of the institute


Prof Satish Udupa who was the chief guest of the convocation said that the faculty exchange programme, sending under graduates of NITK to Michigan University on summer vacation with stipend, conducting joint research and development projects, organisation of international seminars, symposia at NITK are also planned as a part of MoU.


He further sai that post 9/11, the US has been brain storming on research activities on constructing fire resistant buildings. It has been found that the collapsed twin buildings of World Trade Centre were hardly fire resistant.

In B.Tech and M.tech total 38 students got gold medal.776 technology degree holders awarded in the occasion. Manoj Kumar Yadav of B.Tech (Metalrgical and Materials Engineering)and Vinay Kumar Tumakur won four gold medals in educational Excellency.


At the convocation programme, NITK Surathkal Chairman Sushil Chandra Tripathi, Dean Prof Suman David, Registrar K Ravindranath and other delegates were present.

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