Mangalore, Oct.8: An Exporters’ Meet was organized jointly by Karnataka Bank Ltd and Federation of Indian Export Organisation (FIEO) on Oct. 3rd at Jaipur. The theme of the meeting was “Interactive session with Chief Customs Commissioner”.
The meeting was organized to promote export business in and around Jaipur. The programme was presided over by Dr. Meera Aranha, General Manager of Karnataka Bank Ltd.
Dr. Meera Aranha, General Manager of Karnataka Bank Ltd in her presidential remarks informed that the Bank treats export credit as National Priority and to further facilitate the exporters, the Bank has been reimbursing interest subvention upfront on monthly basis to all the eligible exporters. She informed that Bank is committed to provide export credit to all the eligible exporters at a competitive interest rate and assured the exporters of Jaipur that they will get excellent service from our Bank at all times.
Srinivas S Dandapur, Senior Manager, Forex Support Group of Karnataka Bank gave a presentation on the forex infrastructure of Karnataka Bank and the forex products available to the exporters.
Sunil Uke, Chief Commissioner of Customs (Delhi Zone), P.K. Jain, Commissioner Customs, Virender Singh, Jt.DGFT, Lekhraj Maheshwari, Chairman, Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts, K. L. Jain, Secretary, Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Rajiv Dewan, President, Sitapura Industrial Area also spoke on the occasion.
Ajay Sahai, Director General and CEO of FIEO welcomed. Vijayshankar Rai. K, Deputy General Manager and Regional Head of Delhi region proposed vote of thanks.
More than 150 exporters from in and around Jaipur participated in the exporters’ meet.