
Kasargod is 2nd District to acchieve total primary education: Shashi Tharoor

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Kasargod, Oct 6: declared Kasargod as only the second district in the entire country to achieve total primary education said Union minister of state for HRD Shashi Tharoor on Sunday October 6 at Government high school stadium, Kasargod.

Amidst all the reports of rapes, murders, smuggling and other crimes emerging from Kasargod, the district has the second district to achieve total primary and Kannur, which is also in Kerala, was the first district to get this honour.

With the help of Vijnan Jyothi programme, which was implemented by Kasargod district Panchayat, Kasargod attained the second place in the total primary education in the country, Tharoor said.

Shashi Tharoor said the literacy rate in India has increased to 78 per cent from the 17 per cent at the time of independence. He also stressed the need to give more importance to education of women.

P. Karunakaran, MP presided over the function. K. Kunza Raman, MLA, E. Chandrashekaran, P.S. Muhammad Sagir, DC and other dignitaries were present on the occasion.

ZP president P P Shyamaladevi welcomed the gathering. T K Soman proposed the vote of thanks. A workshop on educaton and Vigyan Jyothi photography education were also organized.

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