
The student should fight for the future of our Country : Former Minister Poojary

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Mangalore ,Sep 14 : The DIstrict  All College Union  was inaugrated by  Mr. Janardhana Poojary ,the former minister, at town hall today.

In the inaugration ceremony he said, “The student should fight for the future of our Country. During independence it was the student fraternity which led the movements ,it was because of their struggle, our nation has reached this position. The student should led a model life, they should respect their elders especially their teachers and it is the duty of the students to walk in the footsteps of the elderlies.

he expressed in a instance the strength of the student fraternity and said “yesterday ,land mark judgment has been given by the fast track court , the guilty where given death sentence andthis has all happened because our students effort, so many protest where held across the cities, hence the right judgment was given to the brave heart.Today in our country, the number of voilence on women is increasing and students should respect the fellow mates and other women and create an awareness to do the same.”

Shortly later he held a quiz contest where he asked few questions and the winners were rewarded with prizes.

The Oath was narrated by Mr.Abhay Chandra Jain , minister for fisheries and Youth affairs durning the Students council Oath Ceremony. Mr. Abhay Chandra Jain encouraged the students by saying, ” You are the future of the nation and You should be the role model and be the non corrupt leaders of the county”.

The progarmme was attended by KPCC Secretary Ivan Dsouza , Cooperators  Shashidhar Hegede, Praveen Chanda Alva , Kavita Salian, Ratikala and Youth Congress President Mithun rai and others.

By :  Anjum Sheikh.

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