
National Sadbhavana Diwas celebrated at Skout and Guides Hall

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Mangalore, August 22: National Sadbhavana Diwas was celebrated at Skout and Guides hall in joint association with Karnataka Government, district administration, Nehru youth centre Mangalore, Indian skout and Guides, Karnataka dakshina Kannada Zilla institution, National service project, Mangalore university , Youth empowerment and sports department on August 20.

Regarding the programme rally was held and scouts and guides, N.S.S students, youth authority members were participated in the rally. On the occasion Sadbavana song, patriotism songs and postures were displayed.

During the programme Santhosh Kumar, Kadri, secretary, Skouts and guides offered the flowers to photo of Rajeev Gandhi.

In the presidential address Dayanandh, additional D.C spoke about the importance of Sadbhavana Diwas and contribution of Rajeev Gandhi towards nation along with his programmes for welfare of the people.

Irin d’ Kunha, commissioner, Guides C. J.F D’souza, youth officer, Nehru Yuva Kendra were present.

By: sathish Kapikad

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