
Rape case: Photographer Daya Kukkaje released through bail

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Mangalore, August 16: The famous photographer Daya Kukaje, who was arrested in sexual abuse case based on Bendoorwel college student complaint, has been proved as innocent and released from the case under the bail.

A source says that the girl gave the complaint under the pressure of three other photo journalists and she has been agreed regarding the issue. After the arrest, the police have been searched the conversation between them, but no relevant messages has found. Regarding the case police commissioner and ACP had investigated for long time and there was no proof.’ I have not given the rape case, instead of that others forced me to give’. Hence she has rejected the medical test and by knowing the facts police have released him under the bail.

It says that few photographers had created such plans in the several day back itself. Kukkaje and victm girl Reena Fernades (Name Changed) were friends in the face book and they were roaming as friends. By knowing these things a website reporter tried to black male her and along with him other journalists also forced her put case.

Later she had agreed to give the complaint and three journalists forced the police to Daya immediately.

Cunning game of co- photo journalists:  Sources says that three photographers are involved in the case and it says that a women photographer also involved in that. From three days a photographer had been moving to police station to put the pressure regarding the case, moreover, he was present when Daya was arrested.

Groupism in photographers:  After the case, groupism among them has been highlighted and it caused for to hide the face of those, who were forced the girl. It says that there are senior – junior scale in the field and some self announced team also working in the journalism field.

Totally, there are two groups, who are trying to destroy each other.

By: sathish kapikad

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