
Udipi: Lass from Karnataka trying her luck in Australia’s federal election-2013

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Udipi; August 13:  A girl from Karnataka making her attempt to enter in the fray of Australia’s Federal Elction-2013. Shilpa Hegde, having her roots in Udipi is all set to contest as Australia’s Liberal Party candidate for the Electorate of Wills, Australia, Federal election-2013.Nomination formalities have been completed and door- to- door campaign has already been started.Shilpa’s husband Dayananda Shetty has been working in Liberal Party as party worker for the past 10 years and hence Shilpa is brimming with confident of winning the contest.


The girl, who is visible in the cut-out, is originally from Karkala taluk in Udipi district. Shilpa Hegde, currently the citizen of Australia and born and bought up and educated in Nitte, in Karkala taluk and moved to Australia in 2001 after her marriage. An alumnus of Nitte Mahalinga Adyanthaya Institute of Technology (NMAMIT), Shilpa is presently an IT consultant for DWS, a global company.


Shilpa’s parents currently settled in Perdoor of Udipi district and her grand- father Dr M R Hegde was a well –known,famous doctor.


Shilpa is the mother of two children and soft-ware engineer. Since her childhood, she was bright at her studies and completed her degree in Nitte VV College. She has been living in Australia for the past 15 years and got an Australian citizenship. She has got the rare quality of mingling with others freely and that was her plus point and expressed her confidence in winning the contest though there are only five thousand Indians in the voters list.

Currently Liberal party is ruling the country. AS per the pre-poll survey chances of Liberal  party , which is the opposition party along with Shilpa Hegde is high on the card.Election will be held on September 07th and election campaign in brisk will  be starting  from 17th of August,2013.

World recognition is being received to the leaders of India across the globe. We heard about Indians who excelled in various political fields of different parts of the countries.

Now it is the turn of girl from coastal region, who is on her way to become Australia’s MP.

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