
Tipu Jayanti celebrated in the city by govt bodies.

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Mangaluru, November 10: Tipu Jayanti was celebrated at Nethravathi auditorium in DK Zilla Panchayat here on November 10th. The ceremony was jointly organized in the city by DK district administration, Kannada and Culture Department, the Zilla Panchayat and the Minorities Welfare Department.

District in-charge minister B Ramanath Rai inaugurated the event.

On this occasion, a portrait of Tipu Sultan was also unveiled.

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Deputy Commissioner A B Ibrahim addressed the gathered and said, the state government has ordered to celebrate Tipu Jayanti across the state and this is for the first time that the DK district administration is celebrating Tipu Jayanti. In the southern part of India, Tipu Sultan was the greatest rival for the British. Tipu Sultan is one of the greatest warriors who fought against the British. During the reign of Tippu Poornaiah was his Minister and many other Hindus including Krishnaraya, Shrinivasaraya were in his army. Tipu was not a fanatic, he said.

Minister Ranamath Rai addressing the audience said, today history is wrongly understood. Tipu was a great patriot and was tolerant. Tipu fought against his enemies and discharged his duties well, says the history, he said.

First we should respect the person who fought against the British for Independence. Tipu has done revolution in our district too for the sake of Independence. Today the communal forces are trying to misguide, he said.

MLC Ivan D’Souza, MLC Mohiuddin Bava, MLA J R Lobo, DC AB Ibrahim, ZP CEO Shrividya, MUDA Chairman Ibrahim Kodijal were also present among others on this occasion.


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