
Rs 3lakhs stolen from two vehicles on same day in two separate cases.

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Mangaluru, October 9: In two separate cases reported from the city, two people have lost their cash of about Rs 3lakhs kept inside vehicles.

An employee of Kalbavi cashew company located in Bunder had drawn Rs 1.50 lakhs from Karnataka Bank Dongarakeri branch in the city. While he was on his way to office, he parked his two-wheeler (KA.19 – x 8909) in front of a hotel in JM road in Bunder here and went to drink tea. Meanwhile, a biker wearing helmet approached the two wheeler in which Rs 1.50 lakhs placed inside and fled the spot in seconds.

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Pertaining to this a case has been registered in Bunder police station.

A similar incident has been reported from Kottara cross near Kuntikan falling under the Urva police jurisdiction here.

While a female employee of an air-condition company (carrier KNDD Associates Ltd) located in Kottara cross was going to her office after drawing cash Rs 1.44 lakhs from Canara Bank, Gandhinagar Branch here; she parked her two-wheeler(KA.19 -y 5465) near a shop close to her office and went to buy some things.  When she returned near her vehicle, she found that cash Rs 1.44 lakhs kept inside the vehicle was stolen. The parking area was wide and auto rickshaw stand was also located close by. The spot was such that her parked vehicle could be seen from any angle. But the cash was stolen in seconds.

Although many incidents of similar kind have taken place in the past, still people are not alert.

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