Shekar Moily
This Hindu festival going by the name ‘Vara Lakshmi Vratha’ is celebrated on the Friday before the full moon in the months of July-August (Sravana) all over the globe mostly by married Hindu women with great fervor,devotion and sanctity. Varalakshmi Vrata is a festival to propitiate the goddess Lakshmi, the consort of Vishnu, one of the Hindu Trinity. Varalakshmi is one who grants boons (Varam).
As per legend, this Vratam was recommended by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati to gain wealth and prosperity. He tells her the story of a lady Charumati who was asked by the goddess Varalakshmi, in her dream, to do the Vratam in order to fulfill her wishes.
In Chennai, one of the most popular temples is the Ashtalakshmi Temple in Beasant Nagar. Located on the seashore, the winding steps takes one to the different shrines of Lakshmi one after the other. It is said that Lakshmi will enter the house of anyone who thinks of her and bless them. There are many festivals in the year dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Among them, Varalakshmi Vratham is considered very auspicious because it is marked by strict observance of certain practices and austerities.
The name Vishnu really means pervading everywhere, and Lakshmi, his consort, is symbolical of the forces found everywhere. Eight forces or energies are recognized and they are known as Sri (Wealth), Bhu (Earth), Sarasvati (Learning), Priti (Love), Kirti (Fame), Shanti (Peace), Tushti (Pleasure) and Pushti (Strength). Each one of these forces is called a Lakshmi and all the eight forces are called the Ashta Lakshmis or the eight Lakshmis of the Hindus. As health, wealth and prosperity depend upon the rhythmic play of these forces, the worship of Lakshmi is said to be to obtain these three. Hence this festival is observed, invoking the blessings of Lakshmi.
On the day of Varalakshmi vratam, women clean their homes and decorate their front yards with rangolis (colorful designs traced on the floor). Later, they take a bath and deck themselves with beautiful clothes and jewellery. They then begin the process of performing the vrata by first arranging the kalasha or sacred pot. They fill the pot with rice and water which symbolize prosperity and cover it with mango and betel leaves. They then place a coconut smeared with turmeric and vermilion on the kalasha and decorate the coconut with a new cloth. Some people decorate the kalasha with jewels to make it look more beautiful. They place this kalasha on a plate filled with rice.
The main puja begins by worshiping Lord Ganesha, who is believed to drive away all obstacles and evil forces. Later, goddess Mahalakshmi is invoked into the kalasha. They then worship a couple of torams (a bunch of nine threads with nine knots) and tie one to the kalasha while the other one is tied around the right hand wrist of the woman performing the pooja. Later, they chant the Lakshmi Ashtottara Shatanamam (a list of hundred and eight names in praise of the deity). They then offer the goddess nine varieties of delicacies including sweets and savories. In conclusion of the vratam, they sing hymns in praise of goddess Varalakshmi and invite another married woman assuming her to be goddess Varalakshmi and offer her sweets. That evening, they invite all the neighbor women to their homes and offer them tamboolam, an offering consisting of betel leaves, fruits, betel nuts, vermilion, turmeric and dakshina (money). They collectively sing songs in praise of goddess Varalakshmi.
Alternately, in some parts Vaibhav Lakshmi Vrat Katha is performed. This vrat is done for wish fulfillment on Fridays. In this Vrat, people worship Goddess Lakshmi in eight forms: Shri Dhan Lakshmi Maa, Shri Gaj Lakshmi Maa, Shri Veer Lakshmi Maa, Shri Aishwarya Lakshmi Maa, Shri Vijya Lakshmi Maa, Shri Adi Lakshmi Maa, Shri Dhanya Lakshmi Maa, and Shri Santan Lakshmi Maa. The vrat is performed by Hindus with complete devotion by fasting and praying to Goddess Lakshmi.