
New Land Acquisition Bill- main consent clause has been removed- Clifton D’Rozario

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Mangaluru, June 9: A discussion on Land Acquisition Bill was organized by the Citizens Forum for Mangalore Development at SDM College here on Monday June 8th.

Advocate Clifton D’Rozario speaking on this occasion said, in 1894 the first Land Acquisition Bill was introduced which was amended after 120 years. The law of Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 which was passed had a consent clause and a Social Impact Assessment clause which was a victory to many years of struggle of farmers and various unions. The new law was amended by the BJP government within six months of assuming power. The main consent clause and Social Impact Assessment clause has been removed in the new ordinance, he said.

It is time for all farmers to unite and organize a district-level meet and discuss various aspects of the Land Acquisition Bill. If we become sluggish towards it, the victory which we achieved after many years of struggle through Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013 will move away from our hands, he added.

DC A B Ibrahim addressed the gathering and said, everyone is in need of power, good roads, good companies but none is ready to give their land. The GAIL pipeline project has been stalled due to unwillingness to give up land in Kerala. In the country where population is 120 crores, all cannot take decisions, so people’s representatives are chosen. If they fail to perform, it is our fault and not theirs. We should elect able representatives. People are interested in crime news and sports but none is interested to read news regarding the government notifications. The citizens have to participate in democracy, he said.

Superintendent of police Dr S D Sharanappa, MCC assistant commissioner Ashok and others were also present.

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