Rockford, May 24, 2013: Multiple District 1 held their annual state convention at the Best Western Resort in Rockford Illinois. Past International President Bill Biggs and his wife Past International Director Dana Biggs from Nebraska were the International Guests for the event.
MD1 Vice Council Chair Dr. Austin Prabhu emceed State Breakfast and Council Chair Paul Lindstorm was the emcee for State Banquet. In his speech Bill Biggs praised lions for their hard work, dedication and spirit of giving to needy people in their communities and throughout the world. He called Jim Weise, Chris Halsey, Russ Sarver and Dr. Austin Prabhu as heroes for their service to lionism. He presented Dr. Austin with 14 Diamond Melvin Jones Progressive Fellowship which was the highest recognition in the State of Illinois since 1917.
After the recognition of heroes, Bill Biggs honored District 1-A I Vice District Governor Elect Terry D’Souza with a Presidential Medal from International President Wayne Madden – second highest award from Lions Clubs International for her exemplary service to lionism.
Queenie Mendonca decorated Hospital Room for District 1A at the Howard Center for family hospitality. 12 Districts from State of Illinois took active part in this convention. Lions of Illinois Foundation also held their Annual Breakfast event with awards and pledges to raise funds. LIF is helping more than 20,000 needy people every year.