
The Importance of Employee Mental Health

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The top priorities in any given organisation are productivity, profitability and marketing – not necessarily in that order – but that’s what they are.

Even though many companies talk about being a people’s organisation, not many even think about the mental well-being of their employees and this issue does not figure on the list of their priorities.

Although the strongest asset for many companies is the workforce, leaders often fail to recognize the consequences of disrespectful managerial behavior.

Although this issue is critical for companies if they want to maintain productivity and profitability in the long term.

There can be various kinds of mental problems that people suffer though they may not acknowledge it fully and the management may be not aware of it at all.

There can be  different conditions at the workplace that can lead to different kinds of mental problems.

Anxiety and frustration is the most common mental condition for an employee.

Lack of access to knowledge, little or no trust and/or suspicion, limited assistance as to how to perform the job, lack of clarity in priorities, reactive change with little or no warning nor reason, ‘under the surface’ riding or bullying are the reasons that lead to this problem.

Such events create a major stressor which may potentially lead to damaged psychological wellbeing and extreme emotional exhaustion, which directly affects a worker’s ability to cope with workload demands and performance-related expectations.

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion. It is important to see people as people with feelings, people who value communication and understanding and people who are smart and wish to do their personal best.

While there will always be employees who will be anti-authority, a large share of responsibility in this case rests with the organisational and/or department heads, who have the duty to make their peers believe in them and the organisation’s ethos to minimise disillusionment and, eventually, lack of productivity.

There is a reason why all employees get annual vacation days. In this particular case, the proverbial ball is in the employee’s court, and not in the organisation’s. Employees should be encouraged  utilized their vacation to pursue their passion and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Learn to switch off your smartphone when you are with family. Unless it is an emergency, don’t respond to emails as they come in. Set aside a bit of time every day that you are away from work environment both physically and most important mentally. The space is needed to recharge yourself while away from work.

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