The Monster’s Ball actress says her former partner straightened six-year-old Nahla’s hair and highlighted it to make her look less African-American
Hollywood actress Halle Berry has accused her ex-boyfriend Gabriel Aubry of trying to change the appearance of their daughter and make her look white.
The Monster’s Ball actress claims her former partner straightened six-year-old Nahla’s hair and highlighted it to make her look less African-American.
In a court hearing yesterday, a judge ruled that neither parent – who have joint legal custody – can change Nahla’s natural hair texture or colour.
“I want both Gabriel and I to make decisions together that affect our daughter, her growth, her development and her general welfare,” Halle said in the court documents.
“I continue to hope that Gabriel and I can find a way to work together to be successful co-parents.
“It was with regret that I concluded that I had to seek the court’s intervention on these issues, but until Gabriel recognises the meaning of joint legal custody and how it is implemented, it appears that the court will be my only resort to safeguard Nahla’s best interests.”
Halle and Gabriel split in 2010 after dating for four years. She married Olivier Martinez in 2013 and gave birth to a baby son last year.
Speaking to Ebony in 2011, Halle said she wants her child to make her own mind about how she perceives herself.
“I’m not going to put a label on it,” Halle – who is the daughter of a white mother and a black father – said.
“I had to decide for myself, and that’s what she’s going to have to decide – how she identifies herself in the world.
“And I think, largely, that will be based on how the world identifies her. That’s how I identified myself.
“But I feel like she’s black. I’m black and I’m her mother, and I believe in the one-drop theory.”