
Mayor’s remarks on housing society flayed

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Bangalore, August 7, 2013; The members of the Girinagar Vishwa Bharathi House Building Cooperative Society Members’ Forum have denounced Mayor Venkatesh Murthy’s statement that the government should consider superseding the Society.

In a joint press statement on Wednesday, the president and other members said there was no need to supersede the Society, which is  functioning well. They said most of the families living in the Layout formed by the Society belong to middleclass and lower middleclass, who invested their lifetime earnings to construct houses to lead a peaceful life.

The members admitted that there were some legal hassles, which the Society tackled amicably with the support of BDA, court and the government. The court, the members said, disposed of the case and ordered allotment of sites to the members of the Society based on seniority/eligibility.

They have stated that the present office bearers of the Society are functioning in a transparent manner. It also has made way to receive khata extracts by paying the applicable tax to the BDA and cooperated in the overall development of the Layout.

The members said, “The statement made by the Mayor are baseless. His statement regarding the recommendation to government to supersede the Vishwabharathi House Building Cooperative Society is unfaithful.”

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