Mangalore : The New Mangalore Port Trust celebrated 122nd Birthday of Bharat Ratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in a colorful function held on 14-04-2013 at Panambur. Function was organized where Sri V.T. Rajashekhar, Editor, Dalit Voice, Bangalore was the Chief Guest of the function, Shri T.S.N. Murthy, I.R.S., Dy. Chairman was the Guest of Honour. Dr. P. Tamilvanan, Chairman, New Mangalore Port Trust presided over the function. The dignitaries garlanded the statue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, situated nearby Panambur Signal (Circle) and offered floral Tributes, thereafter planted the saplings.
This was followed by a stage function at the Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Stadium, N.M.P.T., Panambur. The Chief Guest of the function Sri V.T. Rajashekhar, Editor, Dalit Voice, Bangalore while addressing the gathering has narrated how Dr. B.R. Ambedkar has undergone the difficulties and sufferings and pains during his schooling and college days due to untouchability, being a scheduled caste. He also highlighted the efforts and contribution made by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar towards social equality for not only his community people, but also the poor and downtrodden people including women in the country. He further said that everyone should take a vow to follow the footsteps of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and try to help the needy and the poor thereby we can make the soul of Dr. B.R, Ambedkar happy.
Dr. P. Tamilvanan, Chairman, N.M.P.T. in his Presidential address, highlighted the contribution made by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar for the upliftment of the Society especially the Dalits, minorities, women and the downtrodden. He has emphasized the need for everyone to contribute something good for the under privileged, so that the wishes of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar would be met, who has actually devoted his entire life for the betterment of Society.
During the function, the Chairman, N.M.P.T. and Chief Guest distributed School bags, Rain Coat and Chappals to the Children of Zilla Panchayath Govt. Lower Primary School, Bhandaramane, Moodushedde, Mangalore.
Dr. Annadurai, Chief Medical Officer, Port Trust Hospital, N.M.P.T. presented a report on the free Medical Camp conducted in this connection by the Medical Department of the Port Trust on 07-04-2013 at Hosakadu, Pakshikere near Kinnigoli. Capt.B.Tewari , Secretary , New Mangalore Port Trust welcomed the gathering and Shri Girish P. Naik, Sr.Dy. Secretary proposed the vote of thanks followed by the National Anthem.
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