
Tale of Road lines Manager’s murder- Police nab four, seize weapons

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Mangalore, April 12: Police could succeed in a bid to arrest four accused at Kumble, in connection with the mysterious murder of Prashanth alias Pachu,a transport manager, by a group of assailants on the night of April,7 Sunday, near Mangala Bar at Valencia, based on the tip-off provided by Gopal ( name changed).

The arrested criminals have been identified as Bhavanishankar from Bajal, Praveen Kalladka, Naveen alias Pili Naveen and Munna from Uppala.

It has also been reported that Bhavanishankar alias Shankar was involved in the murder of notorious KVG murder case, which rocked Sulia in 2011.

The police invaded their hideouts and recovered all the items used for murder like gun, swords and the car.


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