Mangalore, Oct 23: As part of a nation-wide public awareness campaign on women’s safety organized by the Akhila Bharata Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) formed a human chain at KPT circle here on Wednesday Oct.23.
They demanded that the Soujanya murder case be handed over to the CBI and Akshatha murder case be subjected to CoD probe.
Addressing the protest, Ramesh K, state secretary of ABVP, said that ABVP has been fighting for justice in the Sowjanya rape and murder case. We have been fighting for justice in this case since the beginning.
We are not only fighting for Sowjanya but also for Akshatha of Carstreet College, Manipal gang-rape case and for every other woman and youth in the society who has faced violence he added.
He further said ABVP condemned the continuous attacks on women in college campuses and public places, and urged the state and central government to take the issue of safety of women seriously. The government should take stringent action against crimes on women and ensure their safety,” he said.
Other demands included check on obscene and derogatory material of women on social networking sites, a mandatory appointment of women constables in all police stations, and forming anti-sexual harassment committees in all educational institutions.
Mahipal BK, city unit Organising Secretary of ABVP, Yatish Kumar, District Saha Sanchalak, Shubha, Vidyarthini Pramukh, Chethan L, city unit Secretary, Agneya Chakravarthy, Vishal, Ashwath, Shravan, Jyothi, Krithi, Niveditha and others participated in the protest.