
Karkala: Moral and philosophical camp in Karkala Bhuvanendra College

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Karkala; Oct 06:  Participating in the valedictory function of 40th moral and philosophical camp held in Karkala Bhuvanendra College, Nadoja Dr.Mahesh Joshi, additional director of Chandanavahini said in his address that present day medias in the name of TRP are highlighting only the violence, murder,immorality in the society at the cost of morality,non-violence,progress in the society. They are giving more importance to evil things, ignoring good things, which is happening in the society, he said.

Medias have become the slaves of TRP to the extent that they highlighted the news about Ballywood celebrity Aishwarya Rai, starting from her marriage, pregnancy, delivery and to birth of her child by spending thousands of crores of rupees.


But after obtaining freedom, nobody has bothered to throw light on the plight, conditions of so many pregnant women in the country. It does not mean that we don’t have morality, yes indeed we got morality. But we have forgotten ourselves. Morality should emerge out from our inside. We should bring out our true values, he said.

Prof.Y.Panduranga Nayak, principal of the Degree College and Ramesh S.C, principal of the pre-degree college were present.

Prof.M.Ramachandra, college committee member welcomed the gathering, Dr.Devidas Nayak, programme-convener proposed the vote of thanks.

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