
Child Line rescues children in distress: Renny DSouza

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Mangalore: The children in distress are rescued in their dire needs by childline, said Child Line assistant director Renny DSouza.

Addressing the media persons during the press conference held at Roshni Nilaya College of Social Work, here, DSouza said that Child Line helpline 1098 received 2,246 calls during 2012. The media has helped to find breakthrough in child rights violation cases said DSouza.

Child Lines unique programmes facilitate in registering child rights violation cases. Child Line played a key role in unearthing the gang rape of teenage girl at citys central railway station 3 years ago, added DSouza.

Child Line has embarked on Open house programme in city limits, with the purpose of educating the general public on Child Line.The information on free and compulsory education Act, Dosti programme, NCPCC guidelines to curb punishment to students in schools, information on FOXO Act to curb sexual abuse on children, to eliminate children begging, etc are focus of Child Line.

Child Line animators Jayanti, Jyoti, Sunita, Sarita and others were present on the occasion.

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