Mulki, September 8: More demanded Aadhar registration centre has been sanctioned after importance given by Minister Abhaychandra Jain, but now caused for dissatisfaction of the people due to the irregularities in the system.
The implemented Aadar Card registration centre at Mulki City panchayat community hall, has been working like a turtle race and caused for stand in line till from morning to evening.
‘There will be big line before starting the working hour and in between due to intolerance of people, causes for fight also’ says helpless staffs.
The public have alleged that due to lack of computer people facing problem, hence they demanded that along with computer, staffs also must be increased.
Including 8 grama panchayat near Mulki hobali and one city panchayat’s 5 lack citizens are depending on this registration centre and by leaving their job, people comes for necessary Aadhar Card, hence local people demanded with minister Abhayachandra that to provide the opportunity to register in the other grama panchayat also.
By:Sathish Kapikad