
Kulashekara: School level foot ball match inauguration

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Mangalore, August 31: Holi cross church Rev. Father Valerian Pinto has inaugurated the Mangalore south zone primary and high school division boys and girls foot ball competition at Kulashekara sacred heart.

Local corporate zubaida. D.K district foot ball association president D.M. Aslam, Secretary Husain Bolar, Church sophisticating committee vice president Praveen Patravo, Mangalore south zone physical education inspector N.S. Angadi, Dolphy Sequiera, teacher Jessilina, coach John D’ Souza and others  were present.

There are 41 team participated from various school.

First Day result: In the boys’ team, Ullal Saiyad Madani school team beaten the Kolya school team with 3-1 goal and in girls section, Kulashekara Sacred heart school won the match against Kulashekara St. Joseph high school from 4-3 goal.

By:Sathish Kapikad

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