
Awareness on Low Blood Pressure

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Mangalore; August 22: Blood pressure is the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Each time your heart beats, it pumps out blood into the arteries. Your blood pressure is highest when your heart beats, pumping the blood. This is called systolic pressure.

When your heart is at rest, between beats, your blood pressure falls. This is the diastolic pressure. Your blood pressure reading uses these two numbers. Both are important. Usually they’re written one above or before the other, such as 120/80. If your blood pressure reading is 90/60 or lower, you have low blood pressure.

Some people have low blood pressure all the time. They have no symptoms and their low readings are normal for them. In other people, blood pressure s below normal because of some event or medical condition. Some people may experience symptoms of low pressure when standing up too quickly. Low blood pressure is a problem only if it causes dizziness, fainting or in extreme cases, shock.


There can be plenty of reasons why you may be suffering from low blood pressure.

Dehydration : Drinking enough water is extremely essential for your well-being. If you are one of those who gets dehydrated easily, you must do something about it. One needs to drink more fluids than one loses. If you are one of those who work outdoors, ensure you keep sipping on liquids like nimbu paani. This will help keep the weakness in check.

Pregnancy: If you are pregnant, there’s a good chance your pressure might . This is normal but get yourself checked if it becomes too frequent.

Heart issues : Some heart problems could cause blood in your body to not circulate properly.

Deficiency of nutrients: A lack of some essential vitamins such as B-12 and iron can lead to anemia, which is turn can result in low blood pressure.

Is low blood pressure bad for your health?

People who have lower blood pressures have a lower risk of stroke, kidney disease, and heart disease. Athletes, people who exercise regularly, people who maintain ideal body weight, and nonsmokers tend to have lower blood pressures. Low blood pressure is desirable as long as it is not low enough to cause symptoms and damage to the organs in the body.

Try following remedies:

– Increase your salt intake: Generally people are told to avoid using too much salt in their diet. For people suffering from low blood pressure, salt can help. Check with your doctor though before turning to salty foods.

– Drink more water: Water is necessary for your basic body functioning. It also helps prevent dehydration. Don’t forget to increase your water intake if you’re constantly feeling giddy.

Home remedies: Take a cup of the raw beetroot juice twice daily. It is one of the best home remedies for low blood pressure. Drinking a cup of strong black coffee can also help. Some people suggest making a paste of almonds and drinking with lukewarm milk.

Exercise: Include a little exercise in your daily regime. A walk or a quick swim can help circulate the blood.


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