
VHP & Bajarangadal demands for strict action against Cattle theft, sets aside 4 prime demands.

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Mangalore, Aug 6: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad and Bajrangdal along with the victims who have lost their cattle have put forth 4 major demands in front of the Government, in relation to the increase in cattle theft nowadays, here on Tuesday, August 06, 2013 in the hotel Woodlands.


Addressing the media, prof M B Puranik, state president, VHP Karnataka said that earlier in 2007, the total cattle population was around 4,12,000 and in 2012 the number has stepped down to 2,58,000, an alarming fall of nearly 1,50,000 in number.


The state government that has given compensation for 1 litre of milk, has completely failed to do something for the protection of cattle. The number of illegal slaughter houses is increasing in an alarming rate.


The four major demands are the victims who lost their cattle have to be compensated with Rs 50,000 each. The cattle breeders have to be permitted to use gun, for cattle protection. A special team of police is to be formed, to stop this cattle theft . “Gram-Gorakshadal”,a  team comprising of the villagers need to be formed.


Mucchuru Vidhyadhar Hegde said that his compound has a 6.5 ft high wall and a big metal gate and dogs as well. But still the cattle thieves have managed to enter their compound and steal 3 high yielding cattle from the shed. Due to the theft of the cattle, he has been incurring a loss of nearly 50 to 60 ltrs of milk per day.


Antony D’Souza, Jappinamogaru said that his 3 cattle have thefted at night, despite of having dogs in the compound.

Mahadevi, Surathkal Kana said that she is carrying out cattle breeding from 18 years. She heard the dogs barking one night and while stepped out to check as to what’s going on, she found some miscreants forcibly loading their cattle to a tempo, while her children ran out to stop them, the culprits showed them talwars and threaten to kill them if they step forward. She says that her livelihood had to be carried out by these cattle, but since she has lost them, the government must give her some compensations.


Others also spoke on the occasion and shared their pain as well.

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