
Udipi: Journalist’s co-operation unforgettable -says Zilla vaarthadhikari Junjanna

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Udipi; August 02: A farewell ceremony was organized on August 02, by journalist and Vartha Vibhagh in honour of Junjanna, Zilla vaarthadhikari, who will be transferred to Haveri.


Addressing the ceremony Junjanna said in his address that he never felt that he has completed 10 years of service. During ten years of my tenure in my service Udipi journalists never allowed me to think that I have completed 10 years of service in udipi.They were all cordial with me and well supportive.Co-operation of Udipi and Mangalore Zilla journalists cannot be forgotten. I never have been felicitated so far and I am reluctant to leave the place, he said.


Thereafter journalists spoke on the occasion about their feelings on Junjanna. On behalf of TV media, Vaartha department and journalists union, Junjanna has been given hearty send off by felicitating him on the occasion.


During the occasion almost all the journlists, Kiran Manjanabail, President, Jayakar Suvarna, secretary, Umesh Marpally, treasurer and among others were present.

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