Mangalore,Aug.29: St Aloysius college, Mangalore hosted the Mangalore University Inter collegiate Basketball tournament for women for Joyce Pais Memorial trophy. Mr Donnet D’souza, Physical Director of the college welcome the gathering, Rev. Fr Francis D’Almeida S.J campus minister wished and blessed the playing teams, Mr Joseph Saldanha, Chairman tournament committee, Joyce Pais Memorial Basketball tournament highlighted the life of late Miss Joyce Pais career as an renowned sports person of the undivided South Kanara.
Mr Gerald Santhosh D’souza thanked the Joyce Pais committee for their contribution of the trophy to Mangalore University. Rev Fr Denzil lobo S.J. Rector of Aloysius College Institutions Inagurated the Basketball tournament and gave his message on how the game of basketball has made a many stalwart’s in the society. Mr. Joseph Saldanha and Mrs. Jane Sequeira of the Joyce Pais committee Un vailed the newly donated trophy to the public and handed over the trophy to Rev Fr Denzil lobo S.J. Rector of Aloysius College Institutions and Fr Denzil Lobo handed over the trophy to Dr. Gerald Santhosh Dsouza Asst. Director of Physical Education, Mangalore University as an ever rolling trophy for the game of basketball.
Miss. Keisha Basketball player proposed the vote of thanks and Miss laveena conducted the proceedings.
Match Report: 1st Match:
St Agnes College Vs Madav Pai Memorial College, Manipal. St Agnes college Won the match 21-18 points.
Top Scorer for St Agnes Neha (14 points), MPMC Manipal Sowbagyalaxmi (16 points)
2nd Match:
Santha Annamma College Virajpet Vs St Agnes College. St Agnes college Won the match 21-17 points.
Top Scorer for St Agnes Neha (15 points), St Annamma Virajpet Akkamma (08 points)
1st Semifinal Match:
ST Aloysius college mangalore Vs Alvas College Moodbidri, Alvas College Moodbidri Won the match 45-21points.
Top Scorer for St Aloysius Nikitha, Thelma and Madhu (06 points each), Alvas College, Moodabdri, Pallavi (24 points) Nikitha (10 Points)
2nd Semifinal Match:
ST Agnes college Mangalore Vs NSAMFG College Nitte, NSAMFG College Nitte, Won the match 16-02 points.
Top Scorer for NSAMFGcollege Nitte.Loies (06 points)
NSAMFGcollege Nitte Vs ), Alva’s College, Moodabdri,, Alvas College, Moodabdri, won the match 57-21 points.
Top Scorer for NSAMFGcollege Nitte.Loies (10 points),Ashwini (06 points), Alva’s College, Moodabdri, Pallavi and Nagashree ( 20points each)
4th place was won by St Agnes College Mangalore. Rev Fr. Walter Andrade Finance officer St Aloysius College gave away the Permanent trophy and certificate.
3rd Place was Won by St Aloysius College Mangalore, Mrs Jane Sequeira Member and Sister of Joyce Pais Distributed the certificates Medals and Certificates.
2nd Place was won by Nitte Shanker Adyanthaya Memorial Firstr College Mr Joseph Saldanha Chairman Joyce Pais Memorial committee Gave away the Medals and Trophyto the runner up..
1st Place was won by Alva’s College, Moodabdri Rev Fr. Praveen Martis, Director and Co-ordinator consultancy service St Aloysius College, Mangalore Gave away the Medals and Trophy to the winners.
All the guests Handed over the Joyce Pais memorial Ever Rolling trophy to the winners Alva’s College, Moodabdri.
Mr Donnet Dsouza, Physical Director of the college welcome and thanked the gathering and conducted the proceedings.