
Aati festival celebrated by Bombay Bunts Association

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By Ishwar M. Ail/Pics. Dinesh Kulal
Mumbai: The ladies wing of Bombay Bunts Association celebrated “Aatidonji Dina” (One day in Aati) on 2.8.2015 at Nithyananda Sabhagraha, Sion, Mumbai.

President of Bombay Bunts Association Shyam N. Shetty presided the function and in his presidential address he said such functions educates our youths about our cultures. He appreciated the presence of ladies in large number.

Chairperson of Ladies Wing Sarala Shetty thanked all those who helped and supported to celebrate this function.

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Amruta Shetty explained about the importance of Aati.

Chief Guest Sarala Shetty, Guest Dr. Surendra Shetty, CA Surendra Shetty, Hon. Treasurer of Bombay Bunts Association expressed their opinion about the Aati celebration.  Janhavi Shetty who obtained CA degree felicitated during the occasion.

Stage function was started with prayer by Geeta Shetty. Aati Kalinja was the special attraction of the programme which was performed by Shanta Shetty, Dr. Pallavi and Pritvi. In the food competition variety of food prepared by the lady members.

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