
Karnataka State Pollution Control Board has requested the public to celebrate a pollution free Deepavali.

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Mangalore, October 21:  The Karnataka state pollution control board has requested the public to celebrate Deepavali- the festival of lights; pollution free.

In order to control environmental pollution, sound pollution and protect public property and promoting health care- as per the orders of Supreme Court, the intensity of sound emanating due to bursting of crackers at a distance of 4 meters is limited to 125 decibels (AI=Audible frequency integrated value= listening sound range) or 145 decibels (CPk=community noise at peak value= intensity of sound measured when fireworks are blasted), if it crosses this range such explosives/fireworks are banned.

Strict banns are imposed on bursting crackers of any kind from 10 pm to 6 am. Any kind of explosives/fireworks producing strong sound which are banned of bursting around the declared silent areas (Hospital, schools, prayer venues etc….) should not be manufactured.

The regional offices of the board possess sound measurement equipment which will monitor during Deepavali. The officials will visit the shops and cross check the decibels range printed on the crackers box.

The regional office of the board has announced that, if the sound pollution law is overlooked, the defaulters will be brought under law.

Regional office contact numbers are as follows:

  1. Udupi           – 0820- 2572862.
  2. Mangalore  –  0824- 2406584.

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