
Minor girl delivers baby in school washroom, man held for rape.

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Hyderabad: Two days after a 14-year-old girl delivered a baby in the toilet of the Madhapur Government School, local police booked a case against a 22-year-old man for rape. The accused, Dhanu from Serilingampally, is absconding from a canteen where he used to work.

Police said that the victim and her family do not know much about the suspect other than his last name. 

The Class IX student, who is a resident of Chandra Nayak tanda and her baby doing fine.

Incredibly, school officials informed the police that none of the teachers had noticed that the girl was pregnant till Saturday. School headmaster S. Basavalingam told police that he was not present in the school on Saturday.

According to the police, the girl delivered a female child in the school’s toilet located on the third floor without anybody’s help on Saturday afternoon.

“Her class is on the third floor. One of the students noticed the incident, and informed the teachers. The female staff soon cleaned the baby and gave needed treatment,” said a police officer from Madhapur police station.

The girl was later sent to her home at Madhapur and her father shifted her to her sister’s house to cover up the issue.

Receiving information from the school on Monday, police called her father and inquired, after which he lodged a complaint.

“The girl’s mother has passed away and her father, a labourer, was always away. Her elder sister, who knew about the pregnancy, did not stop her going to school,” said an official.

Police suspects that the rape occurred 10 months ago when the victim was living with her sister.

“Her sister is a sex worker and the accused Dhanu was one of her customers, who came to her house. We think the suspect must have raped the girl when her sister was sleeping,” said the investigation official.

Despite knowing the incident, the family members never lodged a police complaint.

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