
Shed extra body weight off your waist with ‘adenosine’

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283673-weightJohannesburg: A new way to shed extra body weight has been found out by scientists.

Body’s own adenosine activates brown fat and “browns” white fat, which is the new way discovered by an international team of researchers led by Professor Alexander Pfeifer from the University Hospital Bonn.

He said that not all the fat was equal, since humans have two different types of fat: undesirable white fat cells which form bothersome “love handles”.

It might be possible to simply melt excess fat away if they could activate brown fat cells or to convert white fat cells into brown ones.

Dr. Thorsten Gnad added that if adenosine was bound to this receptor in brown fat cells, fat burning is significantly stimulated.

The scientists investigated the signaling pathway for fat activation using adenosine. The results showed that rats and hamsters react differently than humans in this regard.

The possibility that adenosine transforms white fat cells into brown fat cells – a process termed “browning”- increases as investigated by the research team.

As they simply lack the A2A receptor, white fat cells normally cannot be induced to burn excess fat by adenosine.

For this reason, the team of scientists transferred the A2A receptor gene from brown fat cells to white fat cells in mice. Consequently, the white fat cells also have A2A receptors and start browning and burning energy.

As a result, it was possible for the researchers from the University of Bonn to comprehend the significance of adenosine for brown cells in mice and humans for the first time.

The results would be published in the journal Nature.

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