All Dubai parking meters upgraded to accept new Dh1 coin and proposed new 50 fils coin
The UAE Central Bank will be unveiling a new 50 fils coin soon, it has been revealed by Dubai’s Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) in a media statement highlighting the upgrading of the parking meters to accept such coins.
The RTA said in the statement that it has completed updating all parking meters and configuring them to accept the new Dh1 coin issued by the UAE Central Bank in 2012; which has specifications different from the previously issued Dh1 coin.
“The plan to upgrade 3,927 parking meters all over controlled parking zones in the Emirate has been set since the beginning of last December, and priority was given to the most congested areas such as the Fish Market, Courts, and Gold Souk among other areas bustling with trading activities and processing of transactions in general,” said Adel Al Marzooki, Director of Parking, RTA Traffic & Roads Agency.
“The RTA plan for upgrading parking meters has also addressed the acceptance of the new 50 fils coin to be issued by the Central Bank during the first quarter of this year in the context of RTA’s keenness to serve all the needs and wishes of customers and the public; which forms part & parcel of its strategic objective: Customers First,” he added.
The move has been taken in the public interest, and to make life easy for the public using the newly issued coins in these meters besides ridding the public of the inconvenience of picking up offence tickets for the lack of paying parking fees.
“The RTA provides four additional means of paying parking fees, all of which are not based on using coins, namely: Prepaid Parking Cards, Gold, Silver and Blue NOL Cards, m-Parking (SMS via mobile phones), and Seasonal Parking Cards.”