Emirati woman burns ex-husband’s car in revenge

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fire-burnAn Emirati woman whose ex-husband got married again did not want to let him get away with it, apparently feeling hurt by the new marriage. She brought a gallon filled with petrol, got into her car and drove all the way to Khor Fakkan, where she set his car ablaze while he was enjoying his new wife.

The woman, who lives in another emirate, went straight to where her ex-husband lives, waited until it was dark, poured petrol on his car and set it on fire on Tuesday night. The fire drew a large crowd before police and civil defence vehicles unleashing their sirens arrived in the area and managed to control the blaze.
“The fire damaged the left side of the car and no one was hurt as the man was at home at that time…police arrested the woman and found with her a knife as she had threatened him many times,” Albayan Arabic language daily said.

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