Some of the weirdest resignation letters go viral at the workplace and are often discussed long after the person has left
Most employees give an extra thought while writing covering letters when applying for jobs but many, those who suffer from office misery, often vent out the pent-up frustration when they are ready to quit.
Some of the weirdest resignation letters go viral at the workplace and are often discussed long even after the person has left the organisation.
Recruitment experts in the UAE have their fair share of incidents to share, some of them even faking the death of a family member or inadvertently e-mailing one ridden with accusations even when it was just meant to be in the draft folder for a feel good factor with every reading.
Ash Athawale, Recruitment Manager at recruitment firm REED, recalls one instance when an employee happily put his father on the death bed, not once, but twice.
“A candidate listed the demise of a parent (father), with the impending move back to his home country while he was actually planning to change employment before the end of his contract. Unfortunately, in his application and interviews before joining this company, he had listed that his father had deceased when he was young and he was taking care of his mother. You cannot have the same parent decease twice,” hesaid.
Faking reasons in a resignation letter is quite common if the employee believes that his boss could jeopardise his new job. On the other hand, many a times, the resignation letter is an employee’s way of telling what all he had been suffering because of his boss over the course of employment.
A HR manager of a multinational bank in the UAE has seen some resignation letters mentioning no growth in their career or a dead end job the reason of their quitting but in one extreme case the employee was very explicit accusing his immediate supervisor of behaviour that was nothing less than misdemeanor.
“The employee put a lot against his boss in writing (discrimination, racism and even bias towards female employees) and e-mailed to him with a cc marked to the HR and the entire team in the department. His exit was troublesome,” said the HR manager on the condition of anonymity.
It is common knowledge that in uncertain market situations, it is prudent to cling to your job, no matter how bad your boss is.
This was the situation of one such employee in the country. But since he was one frustrated person, he happily put all this thoughts against the job, the boss and the company and saved it in his draft folder.
But call his folly or over-enthusiasm to read it over and over again, he clicked on the send button and it landed in the mail box of the person it was meant for.
“An employee was dissatisfied in his job and had been planning to resign, so had composed a resignation letter many months before and stored it in his draft folder. While forwarding an email, he inadvertently sent the resignation and then very sheepishly had to retract it and apologise to the HR manager. A bit of a case of cry wolf,” says the REED expert.
Well! Lesson of the story is, even if you’d like to pen your pent-up frustration, never ever write the e-mail IDs of the recipient. Keeping a loaded gun can be a recipe for disaster.
Another funny one was when an employee preferred to be not so tech-friendly and preferred to write it in the traditional paper way. “There was no malice or ill feeling in the letter,” states the PR head of a firm in Media City “but she had the cheek to write it in colour pencils and that too in all the primary colours. It was a bit funny but I guess the idea was to ridicule the job,” he said without wishing to go on record.
Ideally, a resignation letters should follow a good template, clearly mentioning your date of resignation along with your name and title.
But, there have been cases, where employees have just written “I resign” leaving the rest to the imagination of the boss or the HR.
“An employee listed ‘I hereby resign’. No date, no notice, no nothing,” said Athawale. Guess, it was his way to make the boss work and think after having been in the grind for the past years?