There is nothing permanent except change, Change is the only thing which will always remain unchanged.
In recent times, the pace of change has accelerated greatly, and we all need to find ways to deal creatively with this fact of modern life. Everyone who wants to be successful – in career, in relationships, in life – must learn how to see and manage change . We have commitments towards profession, family, friends, social activities etc. So the point is we need to be very flexible and responsive to the changes that are happening in our day to day life.
One of the most fundamental facts about change is that all change is an emotional experience. Think about a recent change? You may feel Worried, depressed, sad, angry, stressed out or excited, happy, motivated, energized, and optimistic. Feelings could be both positive and negative. But there is no doubt that you felt something. It’s probably because there was an emotion attached to it.
The initial response to change is often negative. People seem to automatically scan a new situation for anything that is not to their benefit. Then they complain about it. This negative focus often blocks their awareness of positive aspects. On the other hand, some changes are eagerly anticipated and welcomed.
Top Ten Ways to Remain Flexible:
1) Accept the change: The great thing about human beings is that they can change. If you can get up every day, stay optimistic, and believe the future is better than the past, those few things get you through a lot. Change is inevitable so understand it and learn to accept change, whether it’s good or bad, is the first step towards remaining flexible.
2) Gather support needed: When we’re going through changes in life or at work – we need support. The better we are at accessing support, the better we’ll be at remaining flexible. Get everyone involved in how the change is implemented. They will help you identify the real impact where it matters most.
3) Maintain perspective: Maintain a positive perspective no matter what the situation. There’s always something good that can come out of every change – be willing to look for it.
4) Be realistic: Set your expectations realistically. When dealing with changes you may have to lower your expectations of yourself for a time.
5) Prioritize: Do only that which needs to be done. It will all get done eventually but during major changes – focus only what is critical.
6) Be brave to face criticism: Handle criticism. someone might genuinely try to help you with the best of intentions by offering some constructive feedback with an opportunity for improvement and someone feels so insecure that they might give you destructive criticism. Evaluate it quickly determine the motive. Ask yourself “Is this person trying to help you or attack you?” Trust your instincts!
7) Right attitude: If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. But don’t get chaotic keep yourself calm. Remember you cannot control everything in life. Letting go of what you cannot control will make managing change much easier.
8) Know that it will pass: Tough times and stressful times happen but they do not last forever. Realize the change you are going through is just a season and it will pass.
9) Take care of yourself: Focus on the basics during times of change. Change often brings stress and the best way to deal with stress is to make sure you are taking good care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well and relax.
10) Find Humor: If you can find humor in an experience, no matter how dark or difficult it may be, then you are ahead of the game. There is humor everywhere in our life – learn to laugh out loud at it and see the difference it does in your life.
“Flexibility is a requirement for survival.” So be flexible and don’t resist change.
Know that “If you do not bend in the wind – you will break!”