
U R Ananthamurthy gets security cover

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Ananth murthy home security _May 20_2014-001

BANGALORE: Following threat calls from unidentified people to Jnanapith awardee U R Ananthamurthy, the police have provided round-the-clock security to his house at Dollar’s Colony in RMV II Stage.

A senior police official said: “He was getting intimidating calls from some miscreants. It is suspected that the calls were in connection with the statement made by Ananthamurthy about a political party.”

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Ananth murthy home security _May 20_2014-002

Security is being provided from a couple of days and one sub-inspector and three constables have been deployed at the writer’s residence.

A barricade is also set up to check the visitors before entering his house, police said. The calls started coming as election results were declared. It is said the writer orally requested the police to provide security following intimidating calls.

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