
Network to share knowledge, Governor tells experts

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BANGALORE, December 10:  Over 300 stakeholders from across the Asia-Pacific have gathered in the city to discuss the role of digital libraries in managing global information explosion in the times of social media.

Inaugurating the 15 international conference on Asia Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2013), Governor H.R. Bharadwaj called upon universities and information science experts of the region to network and share knowledge among themselves.

The event, one of the Big-3 in digital library conferences, returns to India and Bangalore after 12 years, said Shalini R. Urs, Executive Director, International School of Information Management, University of Mysore, which hosted the event.

Commenting on the importance of digital libraries, she recalled that the popular search engine Google was a spin-off of one of Stanford University’s database research projects. The three-day event is supported by DRDO, Raman Research Institute, the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, the National library of Singapore, University of Colombo, and the Bangalore chapter of the Society for Information Sciences.

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