BANGALORE: State government’s generosity of giving Rs 4 as an incentive per litre of milk has increased milk production by 10 litres in the last 15 days.
More than 54 lakh litres are being produced every day and the increase is expected to go up to 58-60 lakh litres in coming days. Before the incentive scheme was introduced by Siddaramaiah government, the production was recorded at 44 lakh litres a day.
Animal husbandry minister TB Jayachandra said the cabinet meeting on Thursday informally discussed the matter and planned to provide excess milk to government schools including anganwadi centres.
Of the 54 lakh litres, Karnataka Milk Cooperative Federation (KMF) has the capacity to utilize 34 lakh litres in form of curd, daily consumption and other forms.
The KMF will convert 10 lakh litres (of 20 lakh surplus litres) into milk powder. As the government is expecting nearly 60 lakh litres production in coming days, some of the surplus will be sent to neighbouring states, and the remaining to government schools.
“Nearly 6-7 lakh litres will be provided to 51,000 government schools, where it would be supplied to 65 lakh school children. It works out 150-200 ml per day per student,” AS Premnath, KMF managing director told TOI.