
Karnataka governor H R Bhardwaj slams BJP rule

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 BANGALORE: While unveiling roadmap of the newly elected Congress government in Karnataka, governor H R Bhardwaj on Monday mounted a scathing attack on the BJP’s five-year rule and said the new government would do everything to regain the lost confidence of the people.

Addressing the joint session of the state legislature, Bhardwaj, the constitutional head of state, slammed the previous government, saying public money has been swindled and esteem of Karnataka lowered by scams and corruption cases. At one time in the past, Karnataka was a favoured destination for investors. This pride of place has suffered a setback due to political instability and corruption scams. Global recession has also contributed to the slow industrial development. My government is competent to face the challenges. A healthy environment for industrial growth will be created and essential infrastructure such as land, water, power and other facilities will be provided in right earnest,” he added

Without referring to the BJP rule, the governor address prepared by the Siddaramaiah’s government said: Public money has been swindled and developmental works have come to a halt. Consequently, people have lost faith in political parties. The growing public cynicism has proved detrimental to democratic traditions”

To regain the lost confidence of the people, Bhardwaj said the new Congress government is determined to ensure a clean and accountable administration. In the coming days, the mark of my government will be reflected through efficient, effective and transparent administration,” he added.

Its interesting to note here that just a few months ago, Bhardwaj had addressed a joint session under the fag end of BJP rule where he defended the BJP’s dramatic tenure.

The address also emphasized on incidents of abuse and violence against women in the previous regime and said that the government would implement two new Central legislations – Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 and Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013.

Bhardawaj’s comments instantly evoked a sharp reaction from Siddaramaiah’s predecessor Jagadish Shettar, now BJP floor leader in the assembly. The governor has set a new precedent. He has made general allegations against the BJP and not raised any specific instance of corruption. The Congress, which leads the UPA, has no moral right to talk about corruption given the 2G and other scams,” Shettar said.

Opposition leader in the legislative assembly H D Kumarswamy said: The governor address should throw light on its new plans to take the state forward. Instead it chose to assess the previous regime which is all history now.”

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